This video (in spanish) explains what block patterns are in WordPress 6.3. In this release the reusable block has been removed and the block patterns are split into sync (what was previously a reusable block) and unsynchronize (the block pattern itself, prior to WordPress 6.3).
Block patterns before WordPress 6.3
Before WordPress 6.3, all block patterns were “out of sync”. That is, if any instance of the block pattern was modified, wherever it was, the possible rest of the instances were not altered.
This was not the case with reusable blocks, which disappear under that name in WordPress 6.3, but continue to exist in the form of “synchronized block patterns”.
Block patterns after WordPress 6.3
As of WordPress version 6.3, there are two types of block patterns:
- Synchronized. They are those that resemble “reusable blocks”. If a synchronized block pattern is modified, all instances of it are altered.
- Not synchronized. They are the usual block patterns, where if one instance is modified, the rest of the instances are not altered.
Creating a block pattern
It can be done, as seen in the video, from any page, post or template, creating a design with blocks and going to the option “Create pattern / reusable block”.
It can be done, on any page, post or template, with the block insertion button (blue button with the +). If you have created your own patterns, you will see a new section “My patterns”. Click on the pattern preview to insert it.
Insert a pattern
Modify a pattern
Access the site editor, from the Appearance section of the WordPress administrator, and the “Design> Patterns” section.
There you will see the “Patterns” option to manage all the patterns, not only the ones created by you (My Patterns) but the template parts and theme patterns. If you click on “My patterns” you will access the list with the preview of the patterns you have created, on the right.
By clicking on any preview, you will enter the site editor to modify the pattern. First you will see a screen with the pattern details and its preview. To edit it, click on the preview on the right.
Another way to go directly to editing a pattern from any publication (post or page)
Select the “Manage Patterns” option from the menu that appears when you click on the three vertical ellipsis in the block editor settings.
Access to the classic pattern list (which before WordPress 6.3 was the reusable pattern list)
Another way to edit a pattern is by using the classic option that existed before WordPress 6.3.
But keep in mind that this is what opens the block editor, not the site editor.
From there you can import a json file or export the pattern to a json file.
Go to the site editor, option “Patterns” and click on “Manage all my patterns”.
Access to the classic pattern list (which before WordPress 6.3 was the reusable pattern list)
Another way to edit a pattern is by using the classic option that existed before WordPress 6.3.
But keep in mind that this is what opens the block editor, not the site editor.
From there you can import a json file or export the pattern to a json file.
Go to the site editor, option “Patterns” and click on “Manage all my patterns”.
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