How to try out the new Twenty-Twenty Five theme

screencapture-tokio-blogpocket-wp-admin-site-editor-php-2024-08-24-19_41_42-1024x587-1 How to try out the new Twenty-Twenty Five theme

Here’s how you can try out Twenty-Twenty Five , the new default theme for WordPress 6.7.

WordPress has introduced its new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Five, which will be available with version 6.7 (expected November 12, 2024). The community needs a theme that is responsive and takes advantage of WordPress’ new design tools. What new features does the Twenty Twenty-Five theme offer?

Twenty Twenty-Five focuses on flexibility and adaptability, with multiple layout patterns, global styles, and templates for different types of blogs. Plus, it will be fully compatible with the Site Editor and new tools like the Grid Block.

How to download the software in development

Theme development is done in the Twenty Twenty-Five GitHub repository . Contributions can be made by submitting and reviewing pull requests or opening new issues, and as usual, once the theme is stable, it will be merged into Core and archived in the GitHub repository.

Go to the green button «<> Code» and click on «Download zip».

How to install development software in a test environment

To test Twenty-Twenty Five, you can use Studio or a staging subdomain . If you choose the second option, it’s a good idea to create a subdomain and create a new WordPress website .

If you are hosting with GreenGeeks (for example), go to the “file manager” and upload the zip file you downloaded with the Twenty-Twenty Five development software. Once uploaded to the “/wp-content/themes/” directory, you must unzip (extract) the zip file to obtain the “/wp-content/themes/twentytwentyfive-trunk” folder.

From there, go to your WordPress admin and activate the Twenty-Twenty Five theme.

How to set up a basic home page and blog page

First, go to the Site Editor and then to Templates and click on “Add a new template”. The new template we need is “Home Page”.

Edit the “Home Page” template and add a header and a footer. To do this, add the header block and the footer block of your choice. Between the header and the footer you can leave an empty paragraph block. You can find the header and footer blocks by clicking the + icon (block inserter), in the “Blocks” tab, “Theme” section.

Next, go back to Template and click “Add a new template” to create the “Blog Home” template.

Edit the “Blog Home” template and do the same to add the header and footer blocks. Insert your blog posts between the header and footer using an existing template in the “Patterns > Posts” section.

Next, you need to create empty “Home” and “Blog” pages to assign later in “Settings > Reading” by enabling the “A static page (select below)” dropdown in the “Your home page displays” section. If you already have Twenty-Twenty Four installed, you will already have these two pages created. See the guide How to customize the home and blog pages in the Twenty-Twenty Four block theme (updated to WordPress 6.6) for more details on this process.

To use the system font family, sans-serif, edit your theme’s theme.json file and insert the following instructions into the typography definitions:

					"fontFamily": "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next, avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, Cantarell, Ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif",
					"name": "System Sans-serif",
					"slug": "system-sans-serif"

Next, edit the styles and under Typography, set the font for all elements (text, links, headers, etc.) in the “Font” dropdown to “System Sans-serif.”

We can finally edit the header and footer patterns to customize it to our liking.

The cookie banner

When switching themes, you may lose the code inserted in the additional CSS. We therefore refer you to the article Complianz: privacy and cookie management suite for WordPress to capture the code and put it back. To be on the safe side, before activating the new theme, it is advisable to copy this code and then paste it. You should also do this with all the customizations made in the functions.php and theme.json files.


You may not have comments in your “Individual Posts” template. Check this and, if applicable, add the “Comments” block that includes the list of responses and the form.

ChatGPT (less than 10%) was used to write this post. At Blogpocket, we believe in an ethical and responsible use of AI.

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