I want a blog

Anadir-un-subtitulo-8-1024x1024 I want a blog

From this kind of 45 commandments by Ben Werdmuller, regarding Matt Mullenweg’s birthday gift (Happy birthday Matt!), I especially liked point number 10:

I wish everyone would write a blog. Or write, otherwise. Or take photographs, make music, paint, sculpt or do anything that makes sense to tell their stories.

But above all blog. I love these public magazines that everyone can read. I love learning about people and what excites them about the world and what worries them.

You should all blog. All of you. I believe the world is better when everyone’s voices can be shared and heard. And I want to hear yours.

Ben Werdmuller

I also want you to give me a blog (start a blog; or start it again; yes, the one you abandoned in 2012 when you thought social networks would give you everything!) for my 23rd anniversary (well, not mine, my blog).

Didn’t you ask the wise men? You missed the opportunity, it would have been a good gift 😉 .

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