This article is part of the FromBlogsToBlocks campaign, a celebration of the 20th anniversary of WordPress #WP20.
Although the Blogpocket blog was born in January 2001, it didn’t work under WordPress until 2005. Before that, we started on Blogger, went through Movable Type, and I developed my own CMS (from “hang around the house”, hence the name “blog from pocket”).
The first existing reference to WayBack Machine from my blog Blogpocket.com, made with WordPress, is of August 22, 2005.
It is absolutely delightful to browse that page and read the comments, go to the links or read the published posts. Precisely, on August 18 I published about the update to WordPress 1.5.2.
I have created this PDF in case you want to save it for the valuable collector’s item that it is.
All the posts published in Blogpocket, from January 25, 2001 to December 31, 2012, you can read and/or download from this page.
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