Wizardry Links 50: WordPress 6.5 release postponed; Gutenberg 18.0; and more news from WordPress, fediverse and AI

WordPress 6.5 will be officially launched on April 2. In this post, you will find all the information about this new version of WordPress.

WordPress (Breaking news)

  • WordPress 6.5 release derailed by bugs in new feature. What caused problems in version 6.5 was the introduction of a new font library feature to manage fonts, which also makes the use of Google Fonts GDPR compliant. The GDPR compliance part is an interesting feature that enables a publisher to connect to Google Fonts and download fonts locally instead of receiving them from Google servers. This feature ensures GDPR compatibility, as Google servers will not have access to the IP address of your website visitors.

The current target for the release of WordPress 6.5 is April 2, 2024. Get an overview of the release cycle 6.5 and check the blog Make WordPress Core to see 6.5 related posts in the next few days and get more details.

You can try WordPress 6.5 in the following ways:

PluginInstall and activate the plugin WordPress Beta Tester on a WordPress installation. (Select “Bleeding edge” and “Beta/RC Only”).
Direct downloadDownload the latest RC version (zip) and install it on a WordPress website.
WordPress PlaygroundUse the WordPress 6.5 RC Playground instance (available within 35 minutes of release completion) to try the software directly in your browser without requiring a separate site or configuration. (Visi tBlogpocket Playground O embed the code on a page of your website)

WordPress 6.5 Source of Truth

Starting at public versions 6.2 Source of Truth6.3 Source of Truth and 6.4 Source of Truth , Anne McCarthey offers the next edition for WordPress 6.5, scheduled for release on April 2, 2024.

With the release of WordPress 6.5, at Blogpocket we published a infographic with all jazz musicians of WordPress versions, along with a YouTube Music playlist.

WordPress e IA


  • Current news about the fediverse (e.g. Threads entry)
  • Threads has entered the fediverse
  • Share Openly. Social media has evolved over the last year, but no one has “share with” links for Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads, etc. There have been some attempts to create “share with Mastodon” buttons, but they haven’t been widespread. take into account the new landscape of social networks.Ben Werdmuler has built a fantastic tool for sharing posts on various fediverse platforms.

Sustainability and AI

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