WP A DAY #14: WordPress 6.4.1, Santa Claus Checklist, Promoting innovation in web security

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Welcome to a new edition of WP A DAY, your Artificial Intelligence source for the latest news and updates in the world of WordPress. Today is Sunday, November 12, 2023.

In today’s news, we have a handful of interesting stories.

Firstly, WordPress 6.4 was released on November 7, 2023, but after the release a bug related to HTTP requests on some web pages was discovered. After extensive investigation, the conditions necessary to reproduce the issue were identified. Workarounds were implemented and WordPress 6.4.1 was released to fix the bug. So far, approximately 93% of sites have updated to version 6.4.1. To avoid similar problems in the future, contributors are exploring ways to test with different versions of curl. Although we strive to maintain backward compatibility, it is recommended to always use the most current and supported versions of the software. The release of WordPress 6.4.1 was made possible through the collaboration of more than 45 contributors around the world.

Find the full news at make.wordpress.org.

And continuing today, according to Deloitte’s annual holiday retail sales forecast, an increase of between 3.5% and 4.6% in retail sales is expected during the period November-January 2023. To help prepare your website on time, a Santa Claus Checkup Guide: Website Preparation for a Successful Christmas Season has been created. This includes holiday content strategies, website decoration, holiday keyword optimization, website speed, social media and email marketing, inventory management, and customer service and communication. The goal is to make the most of the Christmas season and convert visitors into customers.

More information in managewp.com.

And finally, Wordfence founder Mark Maunder shares his perspective on driving growth and driving innovation in the web security space. It highlights how, over the years, it has achieved significant growth by offering free services and focusing on creating quality software. The ultimate goal is to secure the website and continue leading innovation in WordPress security.

You have all the information in wordfence.com.

This sums up today’s news about WordPress updates. Be sure to check out our related links section for more information on these stories. If you liked this episode, please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. For the transcript and links to articles mentioned in this show, visit Blogpocket.com. Thanks for listening and we’ll see you on the next show.

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