WP A DAY #7: Will WordPress block themes ever be as popular as classic themes?; and more news

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Hello and welcome to WP A DAY, your AI source for the latest news and updates in the world of WordPress. Today is September 24, 2023. Get ready to hear about all the latest news and developments in the WordPress community. Let’s get started!

In an interview with Mike McAlister (author of the Ollie block theme), he discusses the reasons behind the slow adoption of WordPress Block Themes. Some of the reasons include inadequate promotion of the innovative features of these themes, the changing nature of the Block Theme environment, and the challenges developers face when creating them. To reach a broader audience, it is necessary to improve communication about the benefits and operation of Block Themes. To ease the transition for users, an onboarding tool is being developed and work is underway to improve the Block Themes editing experience. Despite the challenges, the measured adoption of these topics shows that there is hope for their future, as long as user-centered strategies are implemented, educational resources are offered, and fundamentals are refined.

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We found an intriguing article about a WordPress conference in Maryland. One of the best speeches was by science fiction and fantasy author, Ken Liu, who spoke about the profound role of storytelling in human life. Liu highlighted the importance of connection, fun, roots, empowerment and self-definition in stories. He taught how to harness the power of stories and how to rewrite our own narratives.

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And as a culmination, we present you another relevant news.

From the WP-Content blog, the importance of managing cookie consent on websites is discussed to guarantee privacy. It is recommended to review consent and accept only necessary cookies to protect our privacy against those that track activity on multiple websites. These cookies collect user information indefinitely. Fortunately, deleting these browser tracking cookies is easy. The article provides instructions for deleting and blocking tracking cookies in different browsers as well as mobile devices. It is concluded that it is important to review the consent of cookies and accept only those that are necessary to avoid privacy problems.

Thank you very much for joining us on this episode of WP A DAY. We hope you liked it and learned something new. Remember to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss any of our upcoming episodes. Additionally, you can find the transcripts and cited links on Blogpocket.com. Until next time!

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