The Blogging Renaissance and the new era of decentralization

¡Blogging is back! This is argued in one of our articles that explores the reasons behind this perception and that we have updated, due to the fast happening of events around Twitter (now called X) and the fediverse. The decline of the blue bird network (now disappeared as a logo) and the uncertainty about its future have led many people to migrate to other platforms, such as the fediverse, reminiscent of the times of the blog revolution.

The rejection of social networks has also contributed to the resurgence of blogs. Over-commercialization and a lack of user engagement have led some to abandon platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Instead, they opt for their own blogs, where they have full control over their digital identity and can avoid algorithms and external manipulation.

Decentralization is seen as the future of the web, with concepts like fediverse and indieweb gaining popularity. The idea of ​​interconnected nodes, where each one can be a simple blog with the ability to federate with others, appeals to those looking to escape extreme commercialism, trolls, and fake news.

The continued use of the RSS format has also contributed to the renaissance of blogging. Syndication of content via RSS allows content to be distributed without relying on browsers or social networks, which makes it an attractive replacement for those who flee from serendipity and seek freedom of choice in the content they consume.

Platforms like WordPress make it easy to create federated blogs, giving you the ability to connect to a larger network, like fediverse, while maintaining independence and control over content.

While it is recognized that the return of blogs is not a permanent solution and that apathy could be an obstacle, it is true that decentralized networks like fediverse are a breath of fresh air that have rejuvenated our online experience. Despite certain doubts and future threats, we can reaffirm, for the umpteenth time, that blogs were never dead, only “out partying” 😉 .

Read blogging is back (article updated on 08/03/2023).

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One response to “The Blogging Renaissance and the new era of decentralization”

  1. > blogs were never dead, only “out partying”


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